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Paper beim 19th ILERA World Congress angenommen

ICON ilera Lund University © ilera & Lund University
ICON ilera Lund University

19th ILERA World Congress “Making and Breaking Boundaries in Work and Employment Relations”, Lund (Sweden)

Im Rah­men des laufenden DFG-Projekts ist ein gemeinsamer Beitrag zum The­ma »Shaping fictional Expectations in a Business based on Uncertainty – About the Work of Staffing and Temporary Employment Agencies in tight Labor Markets« von Ronny Ehlen (Uni­ver­si­tät Hohenheim), Caroline Ruiner (Uni­ver­si­tät Hohenheim), Lena Schulz (SOFI) und Birgit Apitzsch (SOFI) und Maxi­mili­ane Wilkesmann (TU Dort­mund) beim Weltkongress der International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) angenommen worden.