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»Sociology of Work and Organization«
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Article published in the renowned Journal of Destination Marketing and Management

Article published in Tourism Management Perspectives

Appointment to the scientific advisory board of DEHOGA Nordrhein

Article in the working paper series WU Gender and Diversity Conferenz 2024 published

Young Scientist Award - DGH

Lecture about the topic “Exploring Academic Workations: Workplace Governance across Academic Disciplines” at the University of Luxenburg

Article published in the journal "Negotiation and Conflict Management Research"

Lectures at the Università Bacconi of Milan about the topics “Digital Disruption: Professions at the Crossroads?” and “Irresponsible Use of Technologies and the Future of Work: Managerial and Organizational Dilemmas”

International visit as part of the Research Explorer Ruhr program

AI in recruiting - Guest lecture by Prof. Manuel Souto-Otero

Panel discussion from the "Work and Democracy" discussion series

Gemeinsame Best-Practice-Broschüre mit dem Demographie Netzwerk

Welcome to our team!

Save the Date - Infoveranstaltung "Mein Weg - Deine Chance?!"

Papers accepted for the 40th EGOS Colloquium

Paper bei der 42. International Labour Process Conference in Göttingen angenommen

Vortrag bei Veranstaltung der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald

Vortrag auf der WU Gender and Diversity Conference

Department of Social Sciences cooperates with IAB in the Graduate Programme (GradAB) in qualitative methods training

Studio guest contribution in the WDR Lokalzeit Ruhr

Paper accepted at the International Labor Process Conference (ILPC)

Articles published in the book "Sociology of Health and Illness"

Interview in the "Tagesthemen" and in the "Aktuelle Stunde" on the four-day week

Lecture at the symposium "Medizingeschichte: ein alter Hut? Zweifel und Unsicherheit im ärztlichen Handeln"

Interview at WDR Westpol about the four-day week

Presentation at the CHER Conference in Vienna

Presentation at the International Self Determination Theory Conference

Book launch at the Leipzig Book Fair

Best Practice brochure of the Demography Network

"The impact of new public management and ongoing transformation processes on female physicians' careers in hospitals"

"Workations as an extension of spatio-temporal flexibility for the fluid workforce“

"Resilience of system-relevant supply chains – The impact of the digital transformation in the working worlds in pharmaceutical retail, food retail and logistics on resilience"

Maximiliane Wilkesmann TV guest at WDR Lokalzeit Dortmund

TU Dortmund in conversation on the topic of "Digital Transformation

Maximiliane Wilkesmann represents the College for Social Sciences and Humanities during Ina Brandes' visit.

Lea Zindel is part of the equal opportunities team

Winter Semester 2022 - 2023

Afterwards you are always smarter!

Article published in the Journal Economic and Industrial Democracy

Joint Fall Meeting of the DGS Sections on Science and Technology Studies and Organizational Sociology.

Best Practices in cooperation with the Demography Network Vol. II

Participation at ILERA Congress in Barcelona

SASE Conference 2022

Presentation at EGOS in Vienna

Research Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) - College for a day

Presentation at the 39th EGOS Colloquium

Article published in the German Journal "ARBEIT"

Appointment as Scientific Board Member

Welcome to our team!

Paper accepted for the "International Labour Process Conference (ILPC)" 2022 in Padua

Paper published in the Journal of Professions and Organisations

Best Practices in cooperation with the Demography Network

Welcome to our team

Virtual Symposium | Digitalization in the Healthcare Sector

Remote Work & Traveling
![[Translate to English:] [Translate to English:]](/storages/ao-sowi/_processed_/3/3/csm_P1060878_70d5e41740.jpg)
Paper about »Digitalization and Work«

Doctoral thesis published

New publication

Handbook Sociology of Organizations [German]

SOWI colloquium on 22 June 2021 with a lecture by Prof. Maximiliane Wilkesmann and Prof. Uwe Wilkesmann

Paper published - International Journal of Hospitality Management

Vortrag in der Reihe "Zwischen Brötchen und Borussia" am 15.05.2021


Paper accepted 19th ILERA World Congress

Rezension in der FAZ und Interview im NDR

Presentation at the 37th EGOS Colloquium

Paper accepted - International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) 2021

Welcome to our team!

Podcast about the book »Not only a question of taste!« [in German only]

About Prof. Wilkesmann in the current issue of mundo

Keynote lecture at the conference »Good decision-making in medicine. Empirical and ethical perspectives«

We are on Instagram

Presentation at the Frankfurt Book fair 2020

Welcom to our team!

Presentation at the 40th Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS)

New book »Not only a question of good taste«

Presentation at the 32nd SASE Conference
![[Translate to English:] [Translate to English:]](/storages/ao-sowi/_processed_/6/f/csm_SASE_2020_01_c6f3629135.jpg)
Welcome to our team!

Presentation at the 36th EGOS Colloquium

Welcome to our team!

Fine Dining in the Corona-Crisis

Radio interview on the Corona crisis in the opinion magazine Politikum (WDR 5)