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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

Lectures at the Università Bacconi of Milan about the topics “Digital Disruption: Professions at the Crossroads?” and “Irresponsible Use of Technologies and the Future of Work: Managerial and Organizational Dilemmas”

© Sociology of Work and Organization ​/​ TU Dortmund
Mona Bassyiouny, Maximiliane Wilkesmann, Judith Becker / 40th EGOS Colloquium

40th EGOS Colloquium - Milan

Judith Becker presented a paper entitled „Digital Transformation along Professional Boundaries in Professional Service Firms (PSF) using the Example of On-Site Pharmacies in Germany" for sub-theme 34 „Digital Disruption: Professions at the Crossroads?" at the Università Bacconi in Milan.

The joint paper of Mona Bassyiouny, Corinna Döpkens and Maximiliane Wilkesmann on „Organizing bleisure travel and workations: Balancing spatio-temporal, legal, and technological dilemmas in Organizations" was presented by Mona Bassyiouny in Sub-theme 62 „Irresponsible Use of Technologies and the Future of Work: Managerial and Organizational Dilemmas", perfectly organized by James Faulconbridge, Frida Pemer, Tale Skjølsvik,  Luigi Moschera , Aizhan Tursunbayeva, and Vicenç Fernandez