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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

Panel discussion from the "Work and Democracy" discussion series

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As part of the lecture and discussion series "Work and Democracy" organized by the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) network of labour and trade union research in cooperation with IG Metall, the RUB Academy for Co-Determination and the DGB-Bildungswerk Bund, on 28.05.24 Prof. Dr. Maximiliane Wilkesmann (Heisenberg Professorship "Sociology of Work and Organization" at the Department of Social Sciences at the TU Dortmund University), Michaela Evans-Borchers (Director of Work & Change at the Institute of Work and Technology at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen) and Dr. Peter Ittermann (Coordinator of the Research Field Industry and Labour Research at the Social Research Centre Dortmund) discussed the transformation of the world of work and development trends within gainful employment.

As part of the lecture and discussion series "Work and Democracy" organized by the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) in cooperation with IG Metall, the Academy for Co-Determination at RUB and the DGB-Bildungswerk Bund, Prof. Dr. Maximiliane Wilkesmann (Heisenberg Professorship "Sociology of Work and Organization" at the Department of Social Sciences at the TU Dortmund University), Michaela Evans-Borchers (Director of Work & Change at the Institute of Work and Technology at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen) and Dr. Peter Ittermann (Coordinator of the Research Field Industry and Labour Research at the Social Research Centre Dortmund) discussed the transformation of the world of work and development trends within gainful employment.

In view of the current transformation processes in the economy, ecology and work, which deeply challenge social institutions and the shared values of social democracy, the network of labour and trade union research Universitätsallianz Ruhr (UA Ruhr) is organizing the public event series "Work and Democracy" in cooperation with IG Metall, the Academy for Co-Determination at RUB and the DGB-Bildungswerk Bund.

On six evenings in April to June 2024, the interactions between work and democracy will be examined in more detail against the backdrop of current transformation processes.

Together with experts in labor and trade union research, the aim is to discuss the close connection between work, co-determination and social recognition with a broad public. Gainful employment is not only the means of securing a material livelihood and social participation, but also the central social institution in which the recognition of different interests and cooperative forms of conflict resolution are learned and practiced. A working environment based on mutual recognition and solidarity promotes the democratic development of a society.