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Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften

AI in recruiting - Guest lecture by Prof. Manuel Souto-Otero

© Maximiliane Wilkesmann

Today, Prof. Manuel Souto-Otero from the University of Cardiff was a guest in the master's seminar "Work, Organization and Digitalization". In his lecture, he looked at the latest developments in the use of AI in recruiting.

Today, Prof Manuel Souto-Otero from the University of Cardiff was a guest in the master's seminar "Work, Organization and Digitalization". In his lecture, he analyzed the latest developments in the use of AI in recruiting. Prof. Manuel Souto-Otero is currently a Senior Fellow at the College for Social Sciences and Humanities of the Research Alliance Ruhr.

His research papers has received numerous awards. His main interest is the analysis and evaluation of education policy, with a particular focus on the intersection of education and work. His speciality include digitalization, the future of work and its impact on skills development, social stratification and inequalities, and the internationalization of education. Manuel Souto-Outero has conducted extensive research in these areas and has carried out numerous consultancy projects on education issues for institutions such as the European Commission, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), various governments, think tanks and non-profit organizations.