Presentation at the 36th EGOS Colloquium
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»Contractual fragmentation in knowledge-intensive interorganizational projects: the role of new cleavages in conflicts at work«
Within the context of the current DFG project, a joint paper on »Contractual fragmentation in knowledge-intensive interorganizational projects: the role of new cleavages in conflicts at work« by Lena Schulz (SOFI), Birgit Apitzsch (SOFI), Ronny Ehlen (Universität Hohenheim), Caroline Ruiner (Universität Hohenheim) and Maximiliane Wilkesmann (TU Dortmund) has been accepted at this year's colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) and will be presented by Ronny Ehlen in Sub-theme 51: »Precarity, Solidarity, and Conflict at Work«.
The 36th EGOS Colloquium »Organizing for a Sustainable Future: Responsibility, Renewal & Resistance« will take place online from 02.-04.07.2020. Further information on the event can be found here: