Handbook Sociology of Organizations [German]

In press
Cover note
The Handbook of Organizational Sociology provides a comprehensive overview of the development, status, and future of organizational sociology as a scientific discipline. It is concerned both with the systematic inclusion of relevant theoretical strands, methods and concepts and with the interrelationships, overlaps and complementarities with neighboring disciplines, which are included in a dialogue. The handbook thus provides an independent access to organizational sociology and at the same time bundles its knowledge on the latest state of the art. It is intended to become a standard work on organizational sociology in the German-speaking world.
Apelt, M., Bode, I., Hasse, R., Meyer, U., Groddeck, V. V., Wilkesmann, M., & Windeler, A. (Hrsg.). (2021). Handbuch Organisationssoziologie. Springer VS.